Do you practice what you preach? 10 things I’m committing to doing for the climate

1. Going vegan – many studies show the benefits to health of a vegan diet, not to mention the difference in resources and emissions between plant based and omnivorous diets

2. Asking my company to offset my flights. I fly a lot with work. I’m going to see if my company can offset the carbon emissions in the flights we buy.

3. Cycle to work more often. It’s 16 miles but then again it’s spring so this could be quite pleasant.

4. Not wasting food. It’s the aspirational food like veg that most often goes to waste in our house. Often in favour of something less healthy.

5. Buying less clothes, second hand or much higher quality so that things last. Learning how to use my sewing machine would also be helpful. Making sure that new clothes I buy are more often made from natural fibres.

6. Lobbying my local MP. I want her to know that climate change is an issue that’s important in our borough.

7. Buying fewer packaged cosmetics. I’ve tried and liked Lush’s solid shampoo and conditioner bars and started buying solid soap instead of bottles a few years ago for our kitchen and bathroom.

8. Eating more seasonally and growing my own veg.

9. We don’t use many household detergents but I will review the ones we do buy and try to make some of my own.

10. Taking bottles of water out with me and reusable canvas bags.

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